Action and Adaptability Create Safety

It has never been more important to create and sustain a culture of safety in our lifetime than it is right now!
The actions we take today and our ability to be flexible enough to succeed will help to ensure that COVID-19 eventually becomes a historical footnote that those of us in the safety realm have helped our organization, employees and loved ones to overcome.
As you know, it takes more than social distancing, proper use of personal protective equipment and habitual handwashing to make safety happen every day. Leaders, direct supervisors and workers must have 100% buy-in on new procedures and beliefs. We have to get the job done with an ultra-high sense of extra precaution and often with a heavily reduced onsite workforce.
Finally, collaboration, inspiration, innovation, learning and staying on top of the basics are the backbone of every high-functioning culture. Most of you getting this email are clients or people who have inquired about having me speak at your safety convention, turnaround, or onsite meeting. I am booking traditional onsite meetings starting late summer, into the fall and next year, but I also do virtual events and am equipped to do any of my presentations via Zoom or other methods that work for you. I do these every year as it is (I just do it a lot more now), so I know how to make them fun, interactive, content-rich and relevant. We do groups that have multiple locations around the country/world with just two or three people gathered at each site, and we do somewhere individuals at their desks watch the presentation on a laptop, iPad or phone.
Thanks so much and stay safe,